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Should I Hire An SEO Expert? This is one of hundreds of videos where I answer the most commonly asked questions...
What Parts of a Website Are Critical?
This is one of hundreds of videos where I answer some of the most commonly asked questions related to website development and small businesses. Today’s question is, “What parts of a website are critical when you’re developing a website? Make sure it has your name, phone number, contact information so that if somebody wants to get a hold of you and give you money. The big thing is, as I’ve mentioned in other videos, when people come to your website they have questions that want to be answered so just be sure to answer questions on your website. Pick 10 questions and begin to answer those questions.
What is the best way to get started with a website? This is one of hundreds of videos where I answer the most commonly asked questions that...
What if someone is already using the domain name I want?
This is one of hundreds of videos where I answer questions for small business owners about website design. The question of the day is, “What if somebody is already using the domain name that I wanted for my website?” If you’re thinking of starting that’s probably taken!, probably taken! There’s a ton of domain names out there that are not taken but the perfect domain name that you wanted is taken so what do you do?
How quickly can a new company get its website up?
This is one hundreds of videos where I answer the most commonly asked questions related to small business websites. I put on a suit coat today so that I look very intelligent. 😉 Anyway, today’s question is, “How quickly can a new company get its website up and running from the start of the development process?” This is a very important question and a place where a lot of web developers get a bad name, because web developers they’re a special bunch. They’re not very good at setting clear expectations somehow and so this is something we’ve really worked on at Fiddler Online. But make sure if you’re working with a web developer that he or she is setting clear expectations so that you’re not disappointed in the long run. We generally ask for eight weeks from beginning to end of the development process. That gives us enough time to acquire all the information from you and get the website up and running in a good amount of time so that it can actually start working.
How Do I Find a Good Website Designer?
This is one of hundreds of videos where I answer some of the most commonly asked questions related to small business web design. Today’s question is “How do I go about finding a really good web developer?” Well, I don’t know if you know this but I’M actually a web developer and so if you’re interested I’d love to sit down and talk, maybe we could figure something out.
How can a website be used while under construction?
This is one of hundreds of videos where I answer the most commonly asked questions small business owners have about website development. Here’s the funny thing, I kind of batch these videos together when I make numerous at a time and I’ve changed my shirt several times and not my pants once. I mean there’s no need for me to change my pants, that’s what I’m saying. This just got awkward.
Do I need to hire a graphic designer for my small business website? This is one of hundreds of videos, where I answer the most commonly asked questions...
I have plenty of new business, do I really need a website? Why update my website when it isn't getting me any business? I was recently at lunch...