The $259 v: You Want Easy? We Make It EASY!

| 30 September 2015

30 September 2015


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Our niche (or target market) is business owners that want it easy. Business owners don’t want to look at a long line-item website proposal and try to understand what each items is worth and whether they should drop $4-10K in hopes of getting a website that looks good. We keep it simple.

No Outrageous Upfront Development Costs.

We realize that most small-business owners we want to work with don’t have $5,000 to $10,000 sitting in the bank, and if they do, they aren’t excited about throwing it at a website hoping it turns out the way they want. So we suggest using that money elsewhere in your business. All you have to pay us is a small monthly payment and we’ll give you the best looking website in your industry.

$259/month for a website. Seriously EASY! That’s it.

We only work with clients that think $259/month for a website is a killer deal. If that’s too expensive for you, that’s OKAY, we aren’t a good fit for you. There are other options outside of wpXPRESS.

On the other hand, if we think you are too expensive—in other words, your website vision is way too complicated for us to build at $259/month—the same thing applies, and we’ll let you know that we aren’t a good fit.

No contract. We win your business month-to-month.

If you are unhappy with us, we don’t want to point you to some boring legal document that says you have to continue to be unhappy with us. When you become a wpXPRESS client it’s a month-to-month arrangement. We have to earn your business each month or you are free to hire one of our competitors.

For example, let’s say you hire wpXPRESS to design your small-business website. After 4 weeks in business, crickets go extinct. You simply call us and cancel your website and you keep your domain (the address aka “URL”) at no extra cost.

Or, let’s say after 3 months you decide our hassle-free service isn’t worth it. But you love the design wpXPRESS created and want to keep it. Since we put in a lot of effort to design the website, all you have to do is pay us for the design costs. The buyout schedule starts at $4600 and decreases over 4 years to $2800. Then after 5 years it’s free, or a mere $300 if you have us do the transfer. You keep the design and we get paid for designing it: win-win!

What does the $259 cover?

The reality is, the $259/month plan gets you a great website that you love and works when your potential client goes to your website. We call this plan our Caboodle plan. As in “the whole kit and caboodle,” meaning it includes everything in our top-level “Flatcar” maintenance and support plan, PLUS it includes a full custom website design and build. Here’s a few more details about what we are doing with the $259:

  1. We make sure we are constantly monitoring, updating, and protecting your website so you don’t have to worry.
  2. We also make ourselves available via phone or email if any problems come up or if you want to make an adjustment to the content of your website (i.e. seasonal promotions, new staff photos, etc.).
  3. If you just need to increase your traffic and want Tevya to consult with your online marketing plan, he’s standing by to share his knowledge, resources, and refer you to other online marketing experts.

Seriously, it’s that simple.

Still don’t believe us? We aren’t hiding any fees, headaches, contracts, or risks.

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