What do I do if I want to start a blog or newsletter?


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Hello this is Kurt Francom from Fiddler Online and this is one of hundreds of videos where I answer the most commonly asked questions related to small business web design.

Today’s question is “What do I do if I want to start a blog or newsletter?”

This is a fantastic question, especially since content is often called “king” when it comes to online success. Content can drive traffic, build authority, and, ultimately, generate revenue.

A common mistake many people make when starting a blog or newsletter is focusing too much on the technical or aesthetic side of things—spending too much time on design, equipment, or finding the perfect camera. While these factors matter, they’re not the key to success. The true secret to building a successful blog or newsletter is starting immediately and being consistent. Content creation should always come first.

In today’s digital landscape, it’s easier than ever to start a blog. Platforms like WordPress.com offer free blogging tools, which means you can set up a blog within minutes. Once that’s done, the next step is to begin creating content. Don’t wait for things to be perfect. Write articles, create videos, or start newsletters—just begin. The sooner you start, the sooner you can refine your voice and build an audience.

If you don’t have your own website yet, you can still get started on platforms like LinkedIn or Medium. These sites allow you to post content, build a following, and start engaging with an audience before you launch your own blog. It’s a fantastic way to generate interest and start building relationships, even if your website is still in the works.

Another important aspect is defining your niche. One of the biggest mistakes I see is people trying to appeal to too broad of an audience. Saying, “I want to write for everyone” or “I want to create content for people who like to read” is way too broad. Instead, think about who specifically you want to help or inform. Are you targeting knitting enthusiasts in Arkansas? Or dog lovers in Wisconsin? Even that can be too broad. The key is to find a specific niche—a small, engaged audience that truly cares about your content.

Don’t worry about the size of your audience at first. In fact, the goal should be to get a small but highly engaged group of fans. If you can build a loyal following of 1,000 people who love your content and are willing to share it, that can be all you need to start generating significant traffic and even turn your blog or newsletter into a source of income.

Creating content consistently is the most critical aspect of growing your blog or newsletter. You don’t need to have a perfect website or flawless equipment. Start where you are, and keep moving forward. As you grow, your content will improve, and your audience will expand. The process of blogging or creating a newsletter is about refinement, not perfection.

As you continue creating content, remember that consistency and quality are essential. It’s better to write a high-quality post once a week than to post mediocre content daily. Think of your blog or newsletter as a conversation with your audience, and treat it with the same care and attention you would give to any important relationship. Respond to comments, engage with readers, and continue to adapt based on feedback.

Building a successful blog or newsletter won’t happen overnight, but with consistent effort, you can build an audience that will grow over time. By staying true to your niche and creating meaningful content, you’ll start to see the rewards of your hard work. And remember, the most successful bloggers and newsletter creators are those who started early and stuck with it. Don’t overthink it—start creating content today, and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.


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