I recently was trying to contact somebody. I believed I had their correct email address, but was unable to be sure, without actually sending the email. So after some searching I found this great web tool called verify-email, that lets you check if an email address exists without sending a message.
UPDATE: More recently, I’ve found that Hunter.io has a really great email verification tool that does the same thing.
All you do is put in the email address and click the “Verify” button. If the email address exists, you’ll get “Result: OK.” If it doesn’t, you’ll get “Result: Bad.” Hunter.io’s tool gives even more details.
Just Try Googling the Email Address
If you think you know the email address, try Googling it. I found the address I was looking for, right next to the person’s name, in a PDF that was the top result on Google for that email address. That makes things much easier and more sure that it’s going to the correct person.
I would like to recommend you Zerobounce.net for email validation. They are the most secure and accurate email validation system you can find.
Here is the link where you can find them https://www.zerobounce.net