8 Apps Every Small Business Owner Should Know About

Jacob Stimpson

 Broken Links

I was the 10-minute presenter at my BNI chapter last Thurs. Instead of the normal info about my business and our business model, I considered just teaching people about some cool apps we use here at Fiddler Online. So I polled the members of our chapter, via our Facebook group. Overwhelmingly, this was the subject they wanted me to present on. So I did.


The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, so I recorded myself re-giving the presentation to all of your in this quick screencast.

Here’s links to all the apps/tools I showed in my presentation:

  • E.ggtimer.com – simple timer in your browser
  • MileIQ – easily track your business miles (see Kurt’s recent post about it)
  • Toggl – track your time doing anything, or everything
  • Evernote – save notes, websites, documents, etc
  • Inbox Pause – pause your inbox
  • HelloSign – legally fill-out and sign documents digitally
  • HelloFax – fax documents digitally
  • LastPass – remembers all your passwords (check out the workshops Kurt does teaching people to use this)


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  1. Julie Cluff

    I’ve just got to remember to go in and categorize my miles in mileIQ, but I love that app too. Do you have a system you like for keeping up with the miles logged in MileIQ?

    • Tevya Washburn

      Julie, I just do it anytime I have some downtime. Maybe I’m waiting to get tires changed, or my lunch appointment to show, I just do it then. Since my phone pops up a notification after I drive, it’s easy to just tap it, then swipe left or right to categorize my recent drives.

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