3 Reasons to Track Your Business Mileage With MileIQ

| 14 January 2016

14 January 2016


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Tracking miles stinks! Who’s with me? There are parts of being a small-business owner that are just down-right annoying. I’ve tried keeping a notebook in my car, and I’ve tried using Google Maps to measure mileage. It’s time consuming, and I usually pay my assistant to do all the recording for me. About 9 months ago, I came across a phone app called MileIQ, and it has greatly simplified my small-business life. I can’t help but recommend it to you.

1. It uses my GPS without draining my battery

No more resetting your trip odometer or trying to remember addresses. MileIQ works in the background of your phone as you drive around town, continuously monitoring your movements without interruption. The app periodically checks your GPS location to see if you’ve moved, and if you have, it automatically records the trip and prompts you to classify it when you’re ready. When I first started using the app, I was concerned it would drain my battery due to the constant GPS usage, but I have not noticed any change in power levels. This hands-free operation is a game-changer for anyone who relies on accurate mileage tracking, allowing me to focus on the road while ensuring my mileage is recorded without effort.

Moreover, MileIQ’s seamless integration of GPS tracking into my daily routine has significantly enhanced my overall experience. I no longer need to maintain a physical log or worry about missing any trips, as the app automatically records my movements in real-time. This automation saves me valuable time and adds a level of reliability to my record-keeping. With the assurance that my trips are accurately captured, I can concentrate on my work without the stress of manually tracking my mileage. The ease of use allows me to keep my attention on more pressing tasks, leading to increased productivity throughout my day.

Overall, MileIQ has transformed how I manage my business travels, optimizing both my battery life and device performance. The app’s efficiency means I can keep my phone charged for other important tasks, such as making calls or using navigation, without worrying about falling behind on my mileage tracking. This peace of mind has made a significant difference in my workflow, enabling me to focus on growing my business rather than getting bogged down by administrative tasks. With MileIQ, I can confidently navigate my travels and ensure accurate mileage records, allowing me to maximize my business deductions and stay organized.

2. It saves on time

After a few drives, the MileIQ app will prompt me that there are a few drives I need to classify. I quickly open the app while I wait in line at the grocery store and slide right or left (Tinder style) to classify each drive as personal or business. I can add notes or additional details depending on the purpose of the trip. The app is so easy to access and use that I rarely, if ever, get backlogged on recording my miles.

This seamless experience not only saves me time but also ensures that I capture every mile accurately. With MileIQ, I can efficiently manage my mileage without disrupting my daily routine, allowing me to focus more on my work and less on the logistics of tracking my drives. This convenience ultimately translates into maximizing my tax deductions and ensuring I stay organized.

Moreover, the app’s user-friendly design means that I can quickly adjust my classifications whenever necessary. If I realize that I miscategorized a trip or need to add more information, making those updates is a breeze. This flexibility allows me to maintain accurate records without the stress of complicated processes. Each time I classify a drive, I feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing that I’m taking proactive steps to keep my business finances in order. The time I save by using MileIQ allows me to invest more in my core responsibilities, driving my productivity higher.

Additionally, by streamlining the mileage tracking process, MileIQ helps me create a routine that incorporates efficient record-keeping into my everyday life. Since I can quickly classify trips whenever I have a spare moment, I’m less likely to let my mileage tracking pile up. This routine has significantly reduced the anxiety I once felt about keeping accurate records for tax purposes. Knowing that I have a reliable tool like MileIQ at my fingertips makes managing my business-related drives a hassle-free experience, allowing me to concentrate on what I do best—growing my business.

3. My accountant likes it

We’ve all had those awkward moments where we try to explain to our accountant how we are justifying writing off our new tattoo as an important business expense. Your accountant won’t roll their eyes at MileIQ. Hal Rosen, a local Salt Lake accountant who is a Jedi in the CPA galaxy, strongly endorses it. Check it out at MileIQ.com. For more insights on managing business expenses effectively, visit our page on tax deductions for small businesses.

Happy tax season!

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1 Comment

  1. Joshua Brost

    Hi, Kurt-

    Josh from MileIQ here! Thanks so much for featuring our app! We LOVE the drawing! How can we get a copy for our office? 🙂


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