How to Customize the WordPress Dashboard (2011 Edition)

| 29 March 2011

29 March 2011

Jacob Stimpson

 Broken Links

Dashboard Customization for Family Websites

In my journey to enhance the family websites we offer, I faced the challenge of creating a custom interface for clients who sign up and pay for their family site. While the Adminimize plugin was invaluable in limiting what normal users could see and access when logged in, I wanted to provide clients with additional control and access. One of the primary reasons for this customization was the necessity for clients to approve new users as they register.

To facilitate this, we decided to allow clients to access the dashboard. However, the challenge was to create a user-friendly experience by customizing the dashboard so clients wouldn’t feel overwhelmed by the default WordPress widgets. Here’s how we approached this project.

Hiding Unnecessary Dashboard Widgets

The first step in our dashboard customization was to hide the default widgets that could confuse clients. I wish Adminimize included a straightforward option for this, but fortunately, there are dedicated plugins available. Two plugins that stood out for this task were:

  1. Dashboard Widget Remover: This plugin is simple and straightforward. You can select which user levels should have specific widgets hidden. It’s an excellent option for those who want quick and effective control over dashboard visibility.

  2. Dashboard Commander: This plugin offers similar functionality but with more advanced permission levels. It allows you to control dynamically generated dashboard widgets created by other plugins, providing more flexibility than the Dashboard Widget Remover. This makes it a better choice if you want to manage widgets that come from other sources.

Using one of these plugins, we removed all unnecessary widgets except for the “Right Now” widget, which provides an overview of site statistics. The goal was to present a clean, simplified dashboard to clients without clutter.

Customizing the Dashboard Experience

Once we had a clean slate, we thought, “Why not customize the dashboard further with some Fiddler Online branding?” We wanted to create a familiar and welcoming environment for our clients.

To achieve this, we added a custom widget to the dashboard. This can easily be done by adding a snippet of code to your theme’s (or preferably, child theme’s) functions.php file. We tailored this widget to encourage clients to reach out via email if they encountered problems or had feedback. This direct line of communication was crucial for maintaining a supportive relationship with our clients.

Updating the WordPress Logo

Next, we wanted to further personalize the client experience by changing the default WordPress logo in the top-left corner of the admin dashboard. Instead of the generic “W” logo, we replaced it with our own Fiddler Online “F” logo, complete with an f-hole design. This branding update not only added a professional touch but also reinforced the client’s connection to our services.

If you’re interested in doing something similar, there are excellent tutorials available, such as one on, that guide you through this process step by step.

Integrating Website Statistics

Finally, we wanted to ensure that clients could view relevant statistics for their family websites. To do this, we installed the Stats plugin, which adds a dedicated widget to the dashboard to display site statistics. However, we discovered through the forums that the Stats widget only appears on the dashboard for users with the manage_options permission set.

To resolve this, we utilized the User Role Editor plugin, which we already had installed. By adding the manage_options permission to the “Editor” user role—assigned to the paying client—we enabled them to access their website stats without granting them full administrative control. This solution provided clients with valuable insights while maintaining necessary restrictions.

Resulting Dashboard Experience

The result of these customizations was a clean, simple dashboard designed specifically for our family website clients. We successfully created an interface that should not intimidate or overwhelm them. Instead, the dashboard provides just enough information, allowing clients to manage their sites effectively while feeling supported and informed.

This customized approach to the dashboard not only enhances the user experience but also fosters a sense of ownership and engagement among clients. By streamlining access and tailoring features to their needs, we have built a platform that empowers clients to connect with their family history effortlessly.

In conclusion, customizing the WordPress dashboard can significantly enhance the experience for your clients. Whether you’re running family websites or other services, taking the time to create a user-friendly interface is a worthwhile investment. By utilizing available plugins and making thoughtful adjustments, you can ensure your clients feel valued and capable while navigating their sites.

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